Make the most of your career.
You can relocate and get a dream job in your ideal company. New home, new friends, and a new page of your story! We know how hard it is to change a life, but we did it through sponsorship relocation. The companies make a work visa for us so we’ve relocated in 30 days. It’s our story and we were so happy with this decision. So why did we create Expatie! Now finding work abroad and getting a work visa is much easier with Expetie!

How it works?
What is needed for this? Check out the list of companies that might sponsor you when you move, sign up for the 50,000+ vacancies list (if any) and dig into this pile of emails? No! Maybe you should find a job site and look for jobs in the selected region?
Yes, but we can't determine which companies can sponsor you, right? We also faced this task when we moved. I am a former director of marketing at an IT company and my boyfriend is a financial controller who worked at pvc. Searching for vacancies among companies that help to open a special visa, which gives a 30% discount on taxes, as well as monitoring vacancies, seemed like sheer chaos and took a lot of manual labor.
So the idea was born to create a website where you can find all the vacancies for the given keywords and know that the company can not only hire you, but also transport you to another country. It's simple now, you just need to select a country and prepare for your interview!

Progress Tracker
Track your progress with our app.
Do you want to find the best work faster? Just continue to apply for the job every day!
Send your resume to the proposed companies and wait for a response! Don’t panic, you will never miss a great job offer because we will always notify you of open vacancies in your field via email or messenger.
- Check your weekly activity
- Plan your application for the next week
- Spend 30 min per day to check the notification with the list of new job descriptions.
Smart Notification
Can I see the vacancies first before submitting my resume?
We are working on the functionality of our site. We will make an announcement when your personal account appears, where you can see existing vacancies from companies that can sponsor your relocation.

Expatie academy
Never get bored on the way to reach your goal.
If you are not sure about your resume standard or how to answer on a job interview – just take the course. It’s free and you can make the process easy!
- Lessons based on the real cases
- Curren requruters comment
- Polish your CV and be able to get a job in well-know internation companyes